Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shop Till You Drop

shop til you drop

Shop till You Drop is going on this weekend. This is like an indoor garage sale. It's a mixture of antiques, collectibles, new merchandise, and junk... The Historical Society started participating several years ago and we truly have a following of people now that look for our booth. Our booth space has grown from one to three this time. We are fortunate that our booth is located at the end of the row, so we get some extra footage. We carried a trailer full of merchandise and a trailer full of tables, raisers and shelves. We worked all day Friday setting up the booth and pricing. We made some sales while setting up, the other vendors just couldn't wait. With those sales and today's sales, we have a total of $831. We are hoping that our sales on Sunday will bring us to a total of $1000. We certainly had a good crowd today and people were actually spending and not just looking.

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