Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sedona Day 5, Tuzigoot National Monument

Our visit to Tuzigoot was much better than Cottonwood. The ruins are well maintained; the small museum was informative; and the signs posted around the site gave a good description of each area of the site. It is built on a hill like all the other ruins that we have visited. I suppose for protection from their enemies and to get above the flood plain. According to guides and other information we have read, the rivers can get pretty high at times.

I must say the national parks we have visited have been well maintained; the rangers and guides very friendly and helpful; and everything well marked and easily accessible. At the first park we visited, I read their admission schedule and discovered that I could get a senior lifetime pass for 10.00. With the pass, I can take 3 guests with we. Linda and I have visited all the National parks and have not had to pay since the first.

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